The Sands Australia blog brings together bloggers from around the country who have experienced either first-hand or supported those who have had a miscarriage or stillbirth. Bloggers will share their stories and experiences.
If you would like to become a Sands blogger please request an information by emailing
Please meet our Sands Bloggers:
Miriam Forte

Emalynne So
I am a mother to Annabelle, stillborn on 10 August 2012, BabySo, miscarried at 12 weeks on 20 June 2013 and Jema who was born in July 2014. I share my family's story to help honour the memory of Annabelle and BabySo so they can still make a difference to another family's journey on this path despite not having stepped a single foot on this earth.
Ellie Bethel
Ellie is a psychologist living on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. After having a miscarriage in December 2017, she is expecting a baby boy in October this year with husband Jeremy. Ellie is a self-proclaimed crazy dog lady and adores her fur baby Spencer. She is also a one eyed Sydney Swans supporter and loves doing yoga.
Bex Lampe
Bex lives on the surf coast in Victoria. She is wife to Gav and mum to four Earth side
babies. Emmah and Flynn are her two angels. Bex is also a first time Grandma! She recently achieved a Diploma of counselling and is hoping to complete her Diploma of Community Services this year. Currently a stay home mum with three little ones, she’s hoping to get back to the outside world next year.
Bex has two rainbow babies born after her miscarriages. They were born with severe congenital conditions. Congenital Heart defects for her eldest son and Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia for her youngest. Both requiring birth into NICUs and major surgeries.
Bex has worked as an AIN in Aged, Disability, and Dementia care, as a private disability nurse and also as an assistant to a prison chaplain with the Salvation Army. She has also been an artist and a poet. Bex loves to help people and hopes to help many bereaved parents with her experiences.
Her dream is to be published again, and to one day write a book.
Samantha Rowe
My name is Samantha. I am a Bereaved Mother located in Melbourne.
My partner and I have had an incredibly tough baby journey to date. We have lost 8 consecutive pregnancies/babies and are yet to have a living child.
Cooper was stillborn on 14.02.14
Hudson was stillborn on 23.01.15
Emma & Zoe (identical momo twins) tangled their cords and passed away on 30.08.15
I’ve also had subsequent miscarriages on 16.09.16, 31.12.16, 13.10.17 & 16.11.17.
We are commencing ivf shortly to see if that can help us achieve our dreams of becoming parents to a living child.
I run a social enterprise called Memories of an Angel which raises awareness for Pregnancy & Infant Loss. We sell Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness ribbons, pins and a collection of other Pink & Blue items. I am extremely passionate about raising awareness for Pregnancy & Infant Loss and very proud to be pioneering the cause and bringing these special keepsakes to bereaved individuals and families across Australia.
Memories of an Angel also coordinates a variety of events for special days such as International Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day, International Bereaved Mother’s Day, International Bereaved Father’s Day etc.
My partner and I have had an incredibly tough baby journey to date. We have lost 8 consecutive pregnancies/babies and are yet to have a living child.
Cooper was stillborn on 14.02.14
Hudson was stillborn on 23.01.15
Emma & Zoe (identical momo twins) tangled their cords and passed away on 30.08.15
I’ve also had subsequent miscarriages on 16.09.16, 31.12.16, 13.10.17 & 16.11.17.
We are commencing ivf shortly to see if that can help us achieve our dreams of becoming parents to a living child.
I run a social enterprise called Memories of an Angel which raises awareness for Pregnancy & Infant Loss. We sell Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness ribbons, pins and a collection of other Pink & Blue items. I am extremely passionate about raising awareness for Pregnancy & Infant Loss and very proud to be pioneering the cause and bringing these special keepsakes to bereaved individuals and families across Australia.
Memories of an Angel also coordinates a variety of events for special days such as International Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day, International Bereaved Mother’s Day, International Bereaved Father’s Day etc.

Check out Ally's facebook page
Maureen Croft
I'm Maureen and i'm the blogger behind Miscarriage Diaries. I wear many hats; France enthusiast, helpless romantic, wife, sister, daughter and friend. I'm a
feminist, strong and true believer of equality, supporter for women and girls both personally and professionally, a manager, colleague and wannabe entrepreneur.
Lastly, I wear the hat of a woman who has experienced heartache due to miscarriage(s). They do not define me solely but are a part of my journey.
My focus is to talk honestly about my experiences with fertility and miscarriage in the hope that we as a community talk more about this all too common and painful yet mostly hidden issue.
I aim to be a voice and source of comfort and connection for women with similar experiences, emphasising on social change. Follow me on Facebook, check out my blog, Miscarriage Diaries and reach out, I’d love to share stories.
Emma Pritchard

Catherine Travers
Catherine was born in Ireland but moved to Perth, Western Australia with her husband almost 10 years ago. She is mum to baby Benjamin, who was born sleeping in April 2017. Since losing Benjamin she has taken a keen interest in raising awareness for stillbirth and trying to help those who follow in her footsteps of loss. Catherine blogs about her experiences of stillbirth and grief at 'Benjamin's Light' and through her Facebook page
Lucy Taylor
Hi my name is Lucy, I am currently a primary school teacher, after making a career change from paediatric nursing. My partner and I lost our first child in May 2017 after finding out at 19 weeks he had spina bifida. We really had no idea how common miscarriages, still births and medical terminations actually were until it was us in the position. I wrote my blog to bring awareness to others like us, as well as to help other couples know they are not alone in this world.
Michelle Peruzzi
Mel Tauletta
Hi my name is Mel, mother to Scarlett aged 4 , my miracle born at 33 weeks, Lacey, born sleeping at 30 weeks & 3 other angel babies lost through miscarriage at 12 weeks. I lost Lacey due to a placental abruption, other miscarriages are unexplained. It's been 3 years since I lost Lacey & I can only now speak about her without crying, although a piece of my heart will always remain with her. I will keep trying for my rainbow baby. I hope sharing my story will help others learn to speak about their children who didn't make it earth side. We are not alone.
Ted Argyle
Hello my name is Ted and I am a full time martial arts instructor. My wife, Suzi, and I lost our precious little girl, Ella Rose Argyle, on the 21st January 2017. Before Ella passed away we did not consider the chance that we would lose our child. Our goal, in part, with these articles is to help others who have lost children to find some sanity in the fact that they are not alone. Our beautiful girl is our first child and lived for 34 weeks inside her mum’s cocoon before we held her in our arms.
Hi, my name is Diann, and I live in Perth, Western Australia, but originally from Scotland. I am a married mother of 2 children here on earth (age 20 and 6) and 2 in heaven (1 miscarriage and 1 neo-natal death). Aside from my day-to-day work, I am a Parent Supporter with Sands on the 1300 line. Sands were a huge support to me, and now I want to be there for others. My hope is that by sharing my story, it will bring awareness, and save others from the same fate as our family.
Emily Allen
Hi my name is Emily, I live in Tasmania. My partner and I are not going through the nicest journey, having now had 6 unexplained miscarriages in total.
We've had every test done imaginable (which haven't given us any idea of what is going wrong) and are now looking to go down the pre-genetic screening route.
I know we will get there soon, we have to, but the path to parenthood is definitely tougher than I ever imagined it would be I hope that in sharing some of my thoughts and experiences I might help someone else feel less isolated.
My name is Kendall - I am a married mother of Aileana, my 3 year old daughter.
I am a registered psychologist and I have worked in a variety of different fields including; sport & performance enhancement, assessment & counselling and
education & deafness. I am currently a full-time mum but I hope to return to performance psychology work in the field of aviation once we have had baby number 2 and adjusted to life as a family of 4. I have had 2 miscarriages in the past year and I am now 16 weeks pregnant due in February 2018. I am also the youngest of 5 children, with my eldest brother Damian being stillborn 45 years ago. It wasn't until having my own experience with miscarriage that I learned how many friends and people I know have had similar experiences. I have a mission to assist in anyway I can to create awareness and discussion about miscarriage as it still currently seems to be a taboo subject. Mental Health awareness is vastly improving and I would like to be apart of the movement in conjunction with Sands and fellow bloggers to help do the same for miscarriage and infant loss
I am a registered psychologist and I have worked in a variety of different fields including; sport & performance enhancement, assessment & counselling and
education & deafness. I am currently a full-time mum but I hope to return to performance psychology work in the field of aviation once we have had baby number 2 and adjusted to life as a family of 4. I have had 2 miscarriages in the past year and I am now 16 weeks pregnant due in February 2018. I am also the youngest of 5 children, with my eldest brother Damian being stillborn 45 years ago. It wasn't until having my own experience with miscarriage that I learned how many friends and people I know have had similar experiences. I have a mission to assist in anyway I can to create awareness and discussion about miscarriage as it still currently seems to be a taboo subject. Mental Health awareness is vastly improving and I would like to be apart of the movement in conjunction with Sands and fellow bloggers to help do the same for miscarriage and infant loss
Danielle Loy
Danielle was born in Adelaide, South Australia, but moved with her family to Alice Springs, Northern Territory as a teenager. She has moved between Adelaide and Alice Springs ever since. Danielle began her career as a lawyer specialising in human and women’s rights. She then transitioned into film making and writing. She has made documentary films, written a feature film and written a published children’s book. Inspired to help others by her own experience of miscarriage, Danielle wrote a book dedicated to women who have experienced miscarriage called Little Big Love. She currently maintains a Facebook page with the same name, devoted to supporting people through the experience of miscarriage and its aftermath.
You can purchase a copy of the book directly through the Facebook page, which also regularly has giveaways

My name is Suzi. My husband, Ted, and I are trying to heal after losing our baby Ella Rose Argyle (21 January 2017). Ella was stillborn at 34 weeks, after what appeared to be a healthy pregnancy. As we declared on her headstone, Ella is ‘beautiful, longed for and eternally loved’. She is, and always will be, a part of us. My hope is that this blog will honour her precious life and help other bereaved parents feel less alone as they navigate their grief.
Suzi Maxwell-Wright

My name is Suzi. My husband, Ted, and I are trying to heal after losing our baby Ella Rose Argyle (21 January 2017). Ella was stillborn at 34 weeks, after what appeared to be a healthy pregnancy. As we declared on her headstone, Ella is ‘beautiful, longed for and eternally loved’. She is, and always will be, a part of us. My hope is that this blog will honour her precious life and help other bereaved parents feel less alone as they navigate their grief.
Amanda Cox
Amanda Cox is a published author, writer, blogger, speaker, wife, mum and founder of Australia's online parent support, information and resources website, Real Mums. She shares her open, honest and often humorous experiences of raising three boys in today's current climate and society at Diary of a Mad Cow ( ... laugh, cry, relate ...
Lara Cain Gray
Lara Cain Gray (PhD) is a writer, academic, librarian, curator and mother-of-three. The order depends on the day. She enjoys writing social commentary, book reviews, travel tales and therapeutic ravings about being a parent. Her words have appeared in a range of academic and popular publications, from the Queensland Historical Atlas to Brisbane’s Child. She blogs as This Charming Mum - Books, Arts & Culture for the Sleep Deprived.
Ally Downing
Ally is a first time mother whose daughter Edie Grace was stillborn on January 12, 2017. Three months on, Ally and her husband Greg still have no medical diagnosis for Edie's death as they await genetic testing to shed some light on her illness.
As a publicist, she felt it was beneficial to share her story for other grieving mothers, to raise awareness about loss in pregnancy, particularly for first time parents. As the joys of motherhood still await Ally, in the meantime Ally and Greg are supporting each other, frequently speaking of their beautiful daughter they were so blessed to meet, to honor her memory.
About Fiona
Fiona has experienced the joys of giving birth to 2 living children and the sorrows of losing angels taken too soon. She worked in Aged Care as a PCA since 2006 then went on to practise as a nurse since 2010 working predominately in Mental Health. Being no stranger to death within her personal and professional life, she has started perusing her passion in educating and making support services for grief and Health known to the public. As she is a lover of technology and the great outdoors she spends time photographing our beautiful landscape. She also finds peace in spending time with her beloved horses she calls her sanctuary.
Larissa Genat
Larissa is a wife to Marcus and a mother to two beautiful children – Ariella Jade in
Heaven and Levi William in her arms. She loves spaghetti bolognaise and the smell of rain, but neither of them could make her smile when, after a textbook pregnancy, Ariella unexpectedly died at 39 weeks gestation. No reason was ever found for her death. Soon after Ariella’s death Larissa began writing. You can find her posts at
Deeper Still ( and on Still Standing Magazine (
Lauren Matheson
Lauren lives in sunny Queensland with her two little boys, husband and dog. She is also a Mum to twins who were born premature and sadly passed away in 2011. She loves baking, books, coffee and reading the occasional trashy gossip mag. You can find her over at her blog Create Bake Make.
Nicole Garcia
Nicola is a qualified social scientist, intent on studying the human race and finding out the truth about life. Her gift is passing on the information and helping others become the best versions of themselves. Her degree in creative writing makes her writing, your reading pleasure. Her passion for health ensures that you have up to date information on the latest and greatest ways to nourish you. She is a Mother, a Wife, a Daughter a Sister, A Friend and a beautiful human being intent on being the best person she can be. A green -juice drinking, yoga positioning, meditation junkie who loves her life with a fierce passion.
Nicola’s first book, How To Become One Healthy Mama is available from here. You can also read her posts on motherhood over at her blog The Yogic Housewife
Sally Heppleston
Sarah-Jayne McCormick
Sally is a Melbourne based journalist and mother of three. Her first born daughter Hope was stillborn at 41 weeks in August 2008 after a trouble-free and healthy pregnancy. She and her husband Simon went on to have two more children after Hope passed away, Angus who is now four and Juliet, who is two. The children fill her days with chaos and her heart with love. She also runs a small community arts charity, which raises money for stillbirth research.
Sarah-Jayne McCormick
Whilst both treating survivors of trauma and being a passionate advocate for survivors of sexual abuse, Sarah-Jayne is completing a PhD programme at the University of NSW, conducting much-needed research to contribute to the knowledge surrounding child sexual abuse trials.
Establishing the business, Bright Ideas Psychology in 2010, Sarah-Jayne is a savvy business woman, providing services to some of the nation’s largest and most respected companies, including Channel 7, Vodafone, QBE and Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Sarah-Jayne is also a member of the Australian Women’s Chamber of Commerce.
Tiffany Bell
Hi! I’m Tiffany, a 24 year old blogger at Young Farm Wives, and freelance graphic designer from South Australia. I’ve been married to my wonderful husband, Lachie, a farmer, for 5 years. We’ve traveled overseas and explored Australia, now we want to settle down and have a family. Sometimes life throws us unexpected experiences, and for us that has been two miscarriages in the last 12 months. We now continue our journey of becoming parents, knowing that we can only do the best we can and let mother nature work her magic.
Trudie Bristow
I’m a mum, wife, dreamer, blogger, business owner, post traumatic stress sufferer, I’m a survivor, vintage lover and an angel mumma to four heavenly souls. Five years ago I started writing a blog after the loss of our twin girls Elle and Meg and that single one decision along with my story of loss has transformed my life. My name is Trudie and these days I live out my passions and dreams at My Vintage Childhood, and I am constantly reminded that through such heartbreak a blessed and full life can be lived, and that is what I wish for you too.
Rachel Brown
Deb Saunders
My name is Deb, I am 43 years old, and have been married to the love of my life for almost 19 years. We have 2 amazing, wonderful children with us, and 3 more that watch over us and help keep us safe.I am a photographer, and do a lot of work with families, which I just adore, and I love the stories I get to hear and be part of. I believe everyone has a story to tell, we just need to listen.
Through my experience, I found and now volunteer as a photographer for Heartfelt, an Australian organisation that gives the gift of photographic memories to families that have an ill or stillborn baby, or terminally ill child up to the age of 16. This in an organisation I am extremely proud to be a part of.
I am quite a social person, and enjoy nothing better than catch ups with friends over coffee, or wine, I love the beach, we are very lucky to live right on its doorstep, and I love craft of all kinds, and I am very good at starting lots of great things that I will finish one day!
Neville Hiatt
Neville Hiatt is a storyteller, a country boy at heart he grew up knowing what the word community meant. His radio career was cut short when he was medically retired before his 30th birthday due to someone not doing an adequate head check. In the last few years he has developed his love of photography, and poetry and has just released his first collection of short stories. Left battling depression, anxiety and chronic nerve pain as a
result of the accident he has become even more passionate about sharing his life experiences in the hope of aiding others in their journey.
“It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what’s been done to you. It only matters what you do with your rainbow today.”
Neville has his own website -
Susannah Aumann
Rashida McKenzie
Rashida McKenzie is the Founder of High-Risk Helpers, a maternity concierge service for expectant mother's experiencing high-risk pregnancies that result in bed rest. She is also the mother of a baby girl named Maya (who was born after 22 weeks of bed rest) and an angel who inspired her to advocate for pregnancy loss awareness. To learn more about Rashida or High-Risk Helpers, visit
Jessica Lawless
Jessica lives in Victoria. She is the wife to Shane and a Mum to 2 beautiful kids - Adam, nearly 2 and
Emma, born sleeping August 2014.I like to practice yoga, cook, read and spend all my time being a SAHM with Adam. My family and friends are my whole world, there is barley a distinction between the two.
I hope by being so open and honest about my experiences I can help raise awareness and provide support for others.
Jess Schulz
Living in quiet beachside Adelaide, Jess is a fundraising officer for Motor Neurone Disease SA, freelance graphic designer, and social blogger. Married for 5 years (together for 12), Jess and her husband experienced the saddened loss of their first child in 2014 at 40 weeks. Their daughter Isobel Lola, passed away 6 days after she was born. A perfect pregnancy ended with a cord prolapse during labour, and now Jess and her husband are walking the road of grief while trying to survive each day without their Isobel. Love, hope and support are the essence of their survival, and Jess has chosen to share their story on Sands to hopefully support other bereaved parents walking this road too.
Fiona Mataafa
name is Fiona and I am a 23 year old first time mother who lost my only child,
my 4 month old son Manaia, after 128 days in NICU. I reside in Victoria with my
partner Charlie. I hope by sharing my experiences as a bereaved parent that I'm
able to, in some way, bring peace and comfort to others going through the
heartbreak of child loss.
Genevieve Yates
Genevieve is a GP, medical educator, medical writer and
musician from the Northern Rivers region of NSW. After a long and difficult
road to motherhood, her beautiful daughter, Amalie Ella, was born in December,
2014. Tragically, Amalie died of
neonatal sepsis after only four days.
Through her clinical work, teaching and writing, she hopes
to she can use her experiences to help support both patients and other doctors
in managing the complex emotions surrounding fertility issues and perinatal
loss, and also encourage more open discussion in the general community.
Her website can be found at:
Danielle Hall
Wife to Corey and Mumma to two boys: Jasper Rhys in heaven
and Harrison Phillip Robert in her arms. Jasper passed away after PPROM at 23
weeks and birth at 26 weeks, surviving for 10 hours in the NICU unit. Currently
completing a Master of Social Work with the goal to aid in the safety and
protection of all children, because all children deserve to feel safe and
Karen Mackle
My name is Karen and I am a 28 year old living in Brisbane
with my partner. I wanted to share my recent experience about the early loss of
our first child in the hope that people can know that they are not alone and in
their time of need I hope my story will help.
Annika Pearce
My name is Annika and I am a qualified
Ambulance Paramedic living in Canberra. I love to be there for others and
biology and pre-hospital medicine are a passion I share with my husband, Ben.
The light of our lives, Henry, was born at the end of 2014 following a
succession of four early miscarriages due to endometriosis. Our biggest Angel,
Baby Pearce, who I carried for only 6 weeks at the beginning of 2013 has become
the source of my inspiration for blogging and developing a Canberra-based
online support group for women who have experienced a pregnancy or neonatal
loss. My hope is to create a local support network, where we can share and be
there for each other, as Sands created for me. As we begin our journey of
conceiving our second rainbow there is still fear, but also hope and
You can read Annika's personal blog here
Valerie O'Connor
Valerie is a kiwi girl living in Perth, married to Neil and is a devoted Mama to her three beautiful girls - Alena and Isla earth side and her youngest Keira, her angel. She is a survivor of many things including anxiety and depression, earthquakes and stillbirth. These experiences have led her on a curious and empowering journey of self discovery which she hopes will inspire and encourage others on this crazy unpredictable ride called life!
Adin Hewat
Adin loves camping, the beach, travelling, quizzes, puns, (bad) dancing, (really bad) karaoke, and shamelessly laughing at her own jokes. She hates clutter, is scared of dogs, won’t eat fruits touching and struggles to swallow tablets. Adin is a wife to Adrian and a Mum to Levi who passed away in November 2014 at six days’ of age. She currently lives in Brisbane but supports NSW in the State of Origin.
Tennille Welsh
Tennille Welsh is a mother to three beautiful boys. Mark (her
husband) and Tennille experienced the stillbirth of their first son Oscar, at
33 weeks gestation in 2011, cause unknown. Tennille is passionate about raising
awareness of the high incidence of stillbirth in Australia and shares Oscar's
story in the hope that it may help other grieving families.
Jackie Barreau
is a resident of Adelaide, South Australia and a published author. Happily
married and a mother of four (two sons in heaven) she also has two teenage
daughters. In 1998 her second son Cody was stillborn at 26 weeks, the cause of
death an issue with the placenta. Some months later her first born Luke
just 2 yrs old whom was diagnosed with neuroblastoma (cancer) died after
a short battle. Jackie's articles on child loss have appeared in She
currently writes for
a NFP blog for invisible illness and disability. You can also read her own
musings at
Alisha Burns
Monyth Wayth
My Name is Mon Wayth. I am based in Hobart with
my husband Ash. We moved to Hobart about 3 years ago from Melbourne, while we
met and got married in a beautiful lavender farm. We have one angel baby name
Hope and one little cute dog name Spotty. At the moment I am working through my
dreams to open my future dream café in Hobart. I am trying to keep my mind
busy, so I am not feeling so sad and empty in my heart, even though sometimes
it is so hard to keep to do so. Baby Hope is still going to be part of our extraordinary
life and make us grow stronger as a couple and as long as we have each other,
we will be fine.
Tiffany Aghan
Wife to Luke and mummy to Tamara and Summer, in her arms,
and Wade, Jax and Tristan, in heaven. I have recently completed certificates in
law and in psychology and in the process of completing certificate in medicine.
I am having time off at the moment to spend more time with my girls. But I am
hoping one day I will continue where I want to go.
About Therese
Therese has worked in the field of counselling and community development for over 20 years. She has worked predominantly in the health and welfare field. She has worked in the primary school sector counselling children through a range of loss and grief and traumatic experiences.
Therese has also delivered a number of conference papers on the theme of children’s loss and grief and articles on stress management too. She also worked as a Sessional teacher in the TAFE system and the Private Sector in the Community Services area, including Mental Health Welfare for over 20 years. She is also an experienced Supervisor.
Therese has as a small business conducting Reiki, Inner Child Therapy, Meditation and similar therapies. She is also works as a Group Facilitator and teaches stress management and relaxation techniques within the local community as well as running workshops in the areas of trauma and loss and grief and related areas.
Therese is a published poet and has three children and four delightful grandsons. She enjoys nothing more than a good cup of coffee and the occasional glass of wine or bubbly. She is passionate about climate change and the environment, wanting a clean world for her grandchildren to grow up in and one where any type of violence is not tolerated.
Lauren Samuels
Lauren Samuels is a Melbourne based blogger.
Through her own personal journey of losing her full term daughter to stillbirth
it has been a huge test of character to keep moving and feel alive again.
Blogging and sharing her personal experience has helped to make sense of the
curve balls life has thrown and now she is all about enjoying the small things
each and every day. Lauren is a wife to Jonathan, Mother to her angel Laylah
and pregnant with bubba 2. You can follow her journey at
or on instagram @enjoythe.smallthings
Kristina Riley
Kristina is a children's nurse and a counsellor.
She has four beautiful children.
Charlie and Neve are her two angels who are the inspiration for raising more awareness about stillbirths and pregnancy loss.
Her two miracles Maya and Zack are the reason she keeps moving forward on this journey of grief.
Her husband Curt is also her inspiration to raise awareness for fathers and their grief.
There needs to be more awareness for us all.
Peter Vidins is a Sands Parent Supporter. Outside of his involvement with Sands, he works 9 - 5 in the city. In my spare time he does a stack of freelance writing, tries to spend as much time with his family and enjoys spending time in the garden. He is Dad to Daniel, my first born who passed away, and Zoe (7) and Eli (5).
K Reece is a ‘mad artist’, poet, and public speaker. She and her partner Rose
have each experienced miscarriage on their hard road to becoming Mums. They
live in Adelaide with their non-biological teenage daughter and as many pets as
their unit can fit. Sarah lives with disability and is a passionate about
mental health. She uses her business to fund networks that offer free community
resources for vulnerable people. Sarah creates art such as ink and oil
paintings and sculptures to make her private experiences public, gently opening
up spaces about taboo topics such as pregnancy loss. You can find her art and
personal blog here
Peter Vidins
Zena Mason
Zena is a full time administration officer, wife and mother to 4 furry animals as well as one beautiful angel called Chloe.
This journey has been hard but she says that she has met some strong women and made friendships with people from across the world.
She's on a mission to not let Chloe's memory disappear she was a very wanted child for Zena and her husband. Zena is very open about
Chloe's story because it’s such a taboo and it's important to raise awareness for all mothers who have lost a child but specifically through medical termination.
She says "if we can raise awareness we will then create more supportive friends and family and hopefully one day we won't need to suffer in silence and feel so alone".
This journey has been hard but she says that she has met some strong women and made friendships with people from across the world.
She's on a mission to not let Chloe's memory disappear she was a very wanted child for Zena and her husband. Zena is very open about
Chloe's story because it’s such a taboo and it's important to raise awareness for all mothers who have lost a child but specifically through medical termination.
She says "if we can raise awareness we will then create more supportive friends and family and hopefully one day we won't need to suffer in silence and feel so alone".
Sarah K Reece

Stevie Vowles
Stevie Vowles has a 7 year old daughter, 4 year old son and a son who was born sleeping on 28/10/16. Her journey led her to the upsetting discovery that there is often a great lack of understanding and awareness of pregnancy and infant loss. She has started an open and honest blog sharing her journey of Elliott's birth and the life that leads after for herself, her husband and her two other children, who also grieve greatly, as the first step in wanting to spread awareness and help other bereaved parents the blog can be found here

Edwina Shaw

Edwina Shaw is a Queensland writer. Her first book Thrill Seekers, based on her brother’s adolescent battle with schizophrenia, was shortlisted for the 2012 NSW Premier’s Award for New Writing. In the Dark of Night, her recently released children’s chapter book, is part of a nationwide library promotion – Summer Reading Club 2016/17. She has been widely published in Australian and international journals, including Best Australian Stories 2014. She writes regularly for UPLIFT Connect and published an article on The Gifts of Grief there
Edwina teaches yoga and writing at universities in Brisbane, and innovative workshops combining both. She also teaches specialised workshops combing yoga, writing and other creative arts to help ease the pain of loss.
She can be booked through SpeakersInk
You can also find her at her website
On Twitter
And Facebook
Edwina teaches yoga and writing at universities in Brisbane, and innovative workshops combining both. She also teaches specialised workshops combing yoga, writing and other creative arts to help ease the pain of loss.
She can be booked through SpeakersInk
You can also find her at her website
On Twitter
And Facebook
Courtney Zagel
Courtney is a Journalist on the Gold Coast. She is 30 years of age and wife to Leon and mother to two, Cooper (passed away in 2015 at 5 days old) and Zara.