Following on from my
previous entry: life had started to get
back to some degree of normality. Life will never be the same again, but Sarah
and I had started to come to terms as best we can and we both were back at
work. Some days were still too much, however we start to spend more time at
work and less time away. I start to feel useful at work once more not just
showing up.
Then I started to think
about Christmas. Phoenix was due in early January, so if everything had gone to
plan he may have come early, or if not
Sarah would have been heavily pregnant during Christmas celebrations. Either
way he would have been a part of our celebrations and I am sure he would have
got lots of presents.
Unfortunately Phoenix
will not make it with us to Christmas in person, we will remember him and think
of him in spirit. One night I was thinking about this and feeling down: I took
some time to grieve and thought I had processed it by the next morning. Sarah suggested we take the day off anyway
just to be sure, but I think if I take a day off work every time I am feeling a
bit blue I will never be at work. So off I went to work, thinking everything
was good and dealt with last night.
As I prepared for my day
as a school teacher, all is going well until the first bell for home group and
I feel the grief rising but it is too late to deal with. I go in thinking I
only have 20 minutes to deal with then I have a free lesson and can manage my
grief then. As I enter the class it must
have been written on my face a student asks me “Are you OK?” I believe in being
honest with my students and I shake my head but I don’t have the words and
that’s it - I break down.
Luckily there is an
office to the side of my classroom filled with teachers and I take refuge in there
and a teacher kindly offers to take over. I spend most of the home group time
in there to compose myself and worry what will happen when I have to show
myself to my students. However I realise I have some important information to
relay to my students and decide to face the music. The students don’t say a
word about what has happened and take the information in as normal as I take
over the class for the remaining 5 minutes. Some students even come up to me
throughout the day to check that I am ok. It’s funny, I teach in a pretty rough
school but the students constantly surprise you with kindness and compassion, I
think some may relate to grief and loss. I take my free lesson to compose myself and
continue to teach for the rest of the day. It certainly was not the most
successful day, I still feel raw all day but I manage to get through. After a
stressful day I decide to take the next day off to recover.
I recover and go back to
work for another week and all is well until again the thought of Christmas
surfaces in the car on the way to work and I think the 25th of December will be
the 4 month anniversary of Phoenix’s short time on this earth. The grief starts to swell again but I think I
have it under control again. Unbeknownst to me it is just building and biding
its time. I manage to get through homegroup, however in the grief and confusion
I have confused my days and planned a lesson for a different class. I get to my
actual class after a short detour to tomorrow’s class and start to madly think
of what I can do with this science class that was supposed to be PE.
I stand in front of the
class (most of whom are socialising waiting for me to call their attention),
and I realise the grief is about to explode once more in front of a class.
I try deep breathing to
calm myself however another kind and thoughtful student asks again “Are you
ok?” and it breaks me once more. I rush out of the class luckily again another
teacher is nearby to relieve me for a few moments. I compose myself again and retake my class a
short while later. On this day I have no free lessons to calm myself just
recess and lunch. Again it is not the best day but I get through. I notice
myself being snappy with the students and I have to apologise on more than one
occasion. My students know my story and they are mostly kind and compassionate.
I decide I need to take
action to try and prevent future outbursts in class. I call Dorothy from Red
Nose and we discuss some strategies around preempting those bad days and using
music to bring the grief on early before work. We discuss using a phrase like
“thank you for asking” as a shield if someone asks “Are you OK?”. I also
discuss with my partner Sarah and she tells me she talks to Phoenix every
morning and that helps her.
The next morning I try
many of these strategies. I feel I want to get back on the horse again
immediately unlike last week when I took the day off. I think everything is
working fine until I am about to leave and I realise everything is not fine. Now
I know this will be a huge disruption and it will be difficult to cover my
lessons but I feel I have no choice but to call in sick. I apologise profusely and explain the
circumstances of why I am calling in so late.
After another
interaction at work I fall into a deep depression for most of the weekend. I was able to function: I went Christmas shopping with Sarah but the
usually joy I felt around Christmas and buying presents was not there. This
felt different to the grief I had experienced up until that point. I decided I
need to discuss this with a professional although admitting to potential mental
health issues was not something I wanted to do. There is still a stigma
attached to such an admission. However after talking to supportive friends and
family I decided it is better to check it out rather than wait for it to get worse,
so I set an appointment for early next week.
During the weekend
however I talked about it more and discovered there are other things I could be
doing for my mental health. By the end of the weekend I was feeling much better
however I decide to keep my doctor’s appointment just to keep everything in
check. We discuss the differences between grief and depression. I know I want
to try and avoid at all costs some of the feelings of that weekend just gone. I
want to be able to recognise if I am going to that place and to develop
strategies to get out.

If you require support after reading this blog please contact
Sands on 14 000 72637
Sands on 14 000 72637
Beautifully honest and well written. Love to you and your family. Such wonderful news of the pregnancy and just keep going forward. As hard as it is, you will triumph this. Take care ☺